dinning in the dark
it’s an idea of letting your senses guide your way, the concept is a restaurant in total darkness, a new sensory experience, guided by “darkness experts|”. the service staff consists of visually impaired and blind people who lead their daily life without or with minimal light. the absence of light gives you the ability to imagine what you want. the optic nerve is overridden – your other senses take over. every sound, every movement, every taste, every breath is an adventure! but what happens when you go through the experience of absence of light? taste is connected with the other senses. what we call “taste” is a complicated synthesis of smell, taste, touch, texture, sight, chemical irritation (like the burning produced by a chili pepper), and temperature. after all, light is the key for enjoying your meal, based on studies when we see warm bread, we start to drool. when we touch it, you will want it more. we salivate and feel the taste of our favorite food before touching it. in the end, people believe more in what they see than in the other senses, this is when light gives value to a meal we are having. “ remember, the beautiful colors you see, are the reflections of light from varying angles. take away the light, it does not make things less beautiful, but u will have to see them from a different angle” we take light for granted, as a normal part of our daily life, we never think about being in total darkness… once u have the chance to go through such a small experience of total darkness, you will valu e the impact of light on your life.